I had my most significant UFO encounter circa 1970, when my Dad, my brother and I watched a UFO for at least 15 minutes. I was in my early teens and it was at night. I was in bed in the room I shared with my brother, looking out our bedroom window. I noticed a bright object I originally thought was a star begin to move around. At first the movement seemed slow and I only noticed it because of the power/phone lines. I remember holding very still so my perspective based on the power lines would not change and I was able to see that the object was indeed moving. Then it started moving rapidly back and forth across the sky. It was significant enough that I woke my Dad up, which was a big deal. He saw it and got out his binoculars. We all watched it for a long time until it stopped just above a grove of trees close to my house, at least a half mile away, and made a vertical, very controlled landing. Of course, once it went into the trees we lost sight of it, so I can only assume it actually landed. From that moment until the day my Dad passed away, he would never acknowledge what we saw. But I did. I began a study in what is today sometimes called Ufology. All through high school and into my military years, I had an interest in the topic.
I was not an active investigator. I was just interested. Then I became aware of the ministries of Dr. Tom Horn of Skywatch TV, Steve Quayle of True Legends, and a few others. I began to listen to folk like; Guy Malone (Founder of Alien Resistance.org), Joe Jordan (President and co-founder of CE4 Research Group), Derek and Sharon Gilbert. Gary Stearman of Prophesy Watchers, Dr. Chuck Missler of Koinonia House, Dr Michael Heiser, L.A. Marzulli, Russ Dizdar, and Gary Wayne with his Genesis 6 Conspiracy ministry. Their work was of great interest to me. I began to attend various physical conferences where these folk would do presentations. I watched their YouTube videos regularly, and bought their material in support of their ministries. I still do these things. I also do research on my own. I’ve travelled to Egypt, to Israel, to Jordan, and to New Mexico for research purposes. I’ve spoken at regional Bigfoot conventions in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia.
I do all this at my own expense because I believe we are on the cuspt of something big. Jesus said, in Matthew 24:24, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
Is the recent flood of media programming concerning UFOs/UAPs, Aliens, Bigfoot, Ghost Hunting, Mediums and the Occult a part of the “Great Deception” that Jesus said would come? Are we as a people being “conditioned” or “indoctrinated” by the massive amount of programming we are seeing on TV, in Movies, on Social Media and Online?
These are questions you will need to answer yourself. In my book “UFOs, Cryptids and the Bible” you will be presented with a Biblical Worldview of these topics. You will see clearly for yourself, and then will be able to communicate to others, exactly what the Bible says on these subjects. Including where we see these things in Scripture.
There are many who are confused and afraid among us in our families and the Church. What do all the things we see on the nightly news about UFOs actually mean? What if I’ve had an experience with these things myself and I’ve been afraid to talk to anyone about it for fear of being ridiculed? Does the Bible talk about these things? Why am I not hearing about this at Church? Am I cursed, haunted, damned, without hope because of interactions I or a loved one have had with these entities?
My book “UFOs, Cryptids and the Bible” is designed to help anyone come to their own conclusions and to understand that there is hope and help in the pages of Scripture and in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. This book can be used as a Reference Book to allow you to address the concerns people you know may have. The book itself can be a great conversation starter that could lead to deliverance and salvation for a desperate and hurting friend or loved one.
I hope and pray you enjoy the book and that God uses it to bring Peace and Hope into your lives or the lives of those God choses to bring into your path that need this information.
In Jesus’ Name,
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